How Shall I Give You Up? (Hosea 11:8)
(Please see the note at the bottom about the following prayer-poem)
We will never give you up!
You, a sadly-erring one,
Tho' faster in the downward path
Your way-ward footsteps roam.
Tho' harder than an adamant
Your steadfast brow be set,
In proud rebellion 'gainst your God,
You will come to Jesus yet.
Dad (not yet saved) and Mom (saved)
We will never give you up!
Though each passing day and hour
Find you a still more willing slave
To Satan's deadly power.
Tho' tighter, closer, round your life,
Sin's iron chain be bound.
Tho' darker grow your deeds and words,
You, lost one, shall be found.
We will never give you up!
Tho' you have no heart, nor eye,
Nor ear, but for the reckless mirth
Of godless revelry.
Tho' deeper in each vice you plunge-
Tho's yours the scoffer's part-
The drunkard's, swearer's profligate's;
Christ yet shall have your heart.
Jemmy-brother (saved) and Cynthia (saved)
We will never give you up!
Through from you, you shall cast
All good - tho' nature's graces
Shall from your heart have past-
Tho' men shall look with pitying scorn,
Shall tell us with despair,
Call you a hopeless wreck-
E'en then our God for you shall care.
We will never give you up!
Tho' the heavens above like brass
Seem stretched, we know that e'en
Thro' them our feeble prayer must pass;
Tho' earthborn clouds throng dark between,
We know the sun is there,
That it will pierce through anon-
Our God will answer prayer.
Brother in-law and Henny-sister (both not yet saved)
We will never give you up!
Tho' our eyes grow dim with tears,
And our hearts sick with hope deffered,
In a waste of weary years,
Each ending darker than the last.
We will not look at you,
But whisper still unto our God,
"Our eyes are unto THEE."
We will never give you up!
Tho' faint, cold, and sinful be
Our best petitions offered up
'Midst doubts and fears for you,
We know no prayers of ours
Could stand the blaze of God's white throne,
But Jesus lives to intercede-
He pleads them as His own!
Wenny-sister (saved) and Rizal (not yet saved)
We will never give you up!
We know the day must come
When you, a lowly prodigal,
Shall seek the Father's home.
We know not when that day shall be;
But as our God is true,
"Whate'er we ask in Jesus' name,
That will the Father do."
We will never give you up!
God's sure word shall be our stay;
Tho' heaven and earth shall be removed,
It cannot pass away.
Has God not said, "Ask what you will
And the answer I will give?"
And think'st you that He bids us ask
And will not let you live?
We will never give you up!
You, sadly erring one!
Morn, noon and eve and night,
We'll pray until the prize is won.
Dear wanderer! Sadly yearns our hearts,
But there's a Heart above
That yearns with deeper tenderness.
You yet shall know His love.
- September, 1862
Note: About this prayer-poem
Upon her home-call in June 2006, the following precious gem on trusting-in-God prayer was found in the Bible of Mrs. Agnes S. Elphick, born in Cowdenbeath, Scotland, but who resided in Adelaide, Australia for more than eighty years. (Foreword by John Short).
It is not clear who originally wrote this poem. In commenting on this poem, A.L. writes, "The following lines were written with reference to one whose sad career they too truly describe.... "God's ways are not our ways." A few months after this poem was written, this young man, at early age of twenty-five was suddenly called to leave this world. It is in humble gratitude to the God of all grace and in simple trust in His word, that these lines are printed--that anyone who may be weeping and despairing over the case of some beloved one, may take courage and trust in the God Who cannot lie and Who even at the eleventh hour, saved this one whose case seemed utterly hopeless. Dear brother or sister in the Lord, you who may thus be in deep exercie of prayer--look up, pray on, and faint not. As God is true, He will, in His own time and way, answer your prayers."
Bryan and Joy Ford, US missionaries in Hongkong sent a little booklet with this beautiful poem printed inside. They are two of the many faithful believers who have been praying for my family's salvation. The Lord Jesus Christ, in His time, saved four of my family members. This has given great encouragement to continue praying for the rest of my family members.
To Him be the Glory,